Oh Baby

Online forums are abuzz with props for this petite light-therapy powerhouse. Using technology developed by NASA for healing in space, the Baby Quasar works by stimulating the production of collagen, thereby diminishing the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and large pores, even out discoloration, address acne and other skin conditions, slow hair loss and actually rev re-growth. This baby (or BabyQ, as it’s affectionately called) is the only tool out there to tout (count ’em) four light wavelengths (that’s amber, red and infrared). What that means? Quicker, more reliable results.

The Baby Quasar is also designed with powerful wavelengths and frequencies making it the most powerful consumer device. Simply and thoughtfully designed for you, the individual who wants to perform maintenance treatments and touchups all within the fun and convenience of your own home. The perfect solution to enhance results in problem areas in between treatments at your spa or clinic.

*There is also a laser for acne! The quasar light therapy baby blue helps banish blemish-causing bacteria from sebaceous glands where the trouble starts.

Buy It: Baby Quasar
Cost: $399.00


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